District heating company from Lappeenranta, Finland is in transition from fossil fuels to energy production from renewable and environmentally friendly domestic wood pellets. Investment to retrofitting project of 2 x 15 MW natural gas boilers will reduce the district heating prices in the region, as well as environmental pollution and CO2 emissions.
Lappeenrannan Lämpövoima, Oy has signed the turn-key delivery contract with CT Industrial on April, 2022. The turn-key delivery consists of 2×500 m3 fuel storage silos, fuel handling, milling and dosing systems, multi-fuel combustion systems, flue gas treatment system and auxiliaries.
Retrofitting project allows the Customer to use existing boilers with new combustion technology which is suitable to use 3 type of different fuels. Technological flexibility will increase competitiveness and reliability of the district heating system.